10 books that made me who I am today
Bodymind by Ken Dychtwald taught me how + where different emotions can live in specific areas of the body.
Codependent No More by Melody Beattie taught me how to set healthy + loving boundaries.
The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown taught me grace + self love.
Urban Shaman by Serge Kahili King taught me how magical our world is, how magical I am, and how to harness my power for positive change.
Waking the Tiger and In An Unspoken Voice by Peter Levine taught me about the inner workings of trauma and how to heal my nervous system.
Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski taught me even more about the nervous system, especially as it pertains to pleasure + desire.
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert taught me the importance of creativity and urged me to courageously share my gifts with the world.
Untamed by Glennon Doyle reminded me how important it is, as a woman especially, to live freely and wholeheartedly.
Living with Joy by Sanaya Roman taught me how to expand my perception of joy and how I embody it in my life.