10 signs you’re a people pleaser

Are you a people pleaser?

  • When someone asks you for a favor — no matter how exhausted you are or how overwhelming your to-do list is — you still feel obligated to say ‘yes’

  • …or maybe you want to say ‘no’, but you feel guilty about it.

  • …or you don’t know how to say it without coming off like a selfish, lazy a**hole.

  • …or you feel the need to justify your ‘no’, so you overexplain yourself, or conjure up a good-enough excuse

  • This mental gymnastics goes on for almost every decision in your life, and it’s exhausting. You’re tired of being tired.

  • You really want to take time out for rest and just enjoying life, but you feel beholden to the needs + expectations of others.

  • The thought of letting someone down feels too painful, so you soldier on until you are depressed, sick, or in pain.

  • You avoid having difficult conversations or letting someone know they’ve crossed a line because you don’t want to hurt their feelings.

  • You feel resentful because people aren’t as considerate of you as you are of them.

  • You spend so much time focusing on how others perceive you, you don’t know how to just be yourself.

If this sounds familiar, you should definitely check out my workbook! Because you don’t want to waste another month of your life burning yourself out to make life easier for others, do you?! Nah, you wanna spend the next 4-weeks learning how to honor your feelings + needs so you can fill your cup before pouring from it! You’ll still be the same generous, kind-hearted person by the end — just with better boundaries and more inner peace 💗 Click the button below for info!


Urgent message for burnt out perfectionists!


The first step to overcome Crippling Perfectionism